Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kettle Brand Krinkle Cut Potato Chips Cheddar & Sour Cream

Price:   $3.99

Weight:   9oz

Appearance:  A ridged potato chip cooked to a golden color.  The very outer edges of some chips are a much darker brown.  A very light orange flavoring powder is sprinkled on the chips.  But it blends well with the chip color and is not really coating the chip.

Crunch:   Good consistent crunch from chip to chip.

Flavor:   A light and accurate sour cream and cheddar taste to the first few crunches.  Not overpowering.  The aftertaste is of potato chip and not of flavoring.  A very light saltiness is there but also in the background.

Ingredients: A glance at the ingredients brought me a bit of a surprise. Besides potatos and oil. The ingredients were all names I recognized. No strange dyes. Or preservatives. Basically they used cheddar cheese and sour cream to flavor these chips. No wonder the have an authentic flavor.

Overall:   I was initially unhappy with these chips.  I was wondering.  Why make a flavored chip and go light on the flavoring?  But after crunching a few more chips I realized.  These people must be happy with the way their chips taste when the chips leave the oil.  They don't want to or need to overpower you with the sour cream and cheddar flavoring.  Why?  Because the product is good without it.  They are just attempting to enhance your experience a bit.  Those are your first few crunches.  But then take you back where they wanted you to be in the first place.  Which is tasting a good potato chip.

Check out their website at:

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